Tape onto flimsy poster board. Cut out. Use a knife to cut out the eyes.
Cut the cheeks out of cereal box cardboard. Use a knife to score down the dotted line (aka don’t cut all the way through).
Line up the cheeks on the face and trace around the edges so you know where to glue it.
Cut the slimmer cheeks out of cereal box cardboard.
Glue slimmer cheeks onto the bigger cheeks, right above the scored line.
Glue cheeks onto the face.
Tape edges down for added stability.
Push edges of the V’s on the forehead together. Tape closed.
Head Strap
Cut out of flimsy poster board.
You will most likely need to make this template piece longer. I increased mine by 2.5 inches on each side, however the length will vary based on the size of your head. You want it to fit but be somewhat loose.
Use binder clips to help you position it.
Tape behind 1 ear.
Add velcro on the other ear.
Glue down the side you taped.
Cut the template out of cereal box cardboard. Score down all the dotted lines.
Push edges together and tape on the inside.
Hot glue onto the mask. The scored lines on the cheeks will line up with the cut lines on the chin.
Add scrap rectangles to the inside of the mask on the two forehead creases and on the center of the mask. This will help it avoid being too angular.
Cut out of cereal box cardboard.
Line up the angle on the top of the eye with the bottom of the crease in the forehead. Use this crease as a guideline.
Use hot glue to glue the eye onto the face. Note: binder clips help a lot while you get the position right and while the glue dries.
Breathing Apparatus
Layer 1: cut out 4 copies from cereal box cardboard. Each side needs 2. Take a long strip of corrugated cardboard and glue to the edges of one of the shapes. You are making a very thin box. Glue the 2nd shape on top so you get a thin box. Repeat for the other side.
Layer 2: cut out 2 copies from cereal box cardboard. Take a long strip of corrugated cardboard and glue to the edges of 1 of the shapes. Glue onto the center of the box you made in the previous step. Repeat for the other side.
Layer 3: cut out 2 copies from cereal box cardboard. Use white glue to glue onto the center of layer 2.
Layer 4: cut out 2 copies from cereal box cardboard. Tape very thin strips of corrugated cardboard and glue onto the shape with the corrugation facing up. Wait until the glue dries and then trim off any of the cardboard that hangs over the sides.
Layer 5: cut out 2 copies from cereal box cardboard. Use white glue to glue on top of layer 4.
Other decorations:
Cut out the two shapes from cereal box cardboard. Use white glue to glue to the center of the chin.
Use white glue to glue a long thin strip of flimsy poster board to the top of the head strap.
Paint everything black other than the eyes and layer 3 of the breathing apparatuses. It will require multiple coats of black paint.
Paint the cheeks a mix of metallic silver and black to help break up the black on black on black helmet.
Paint the eyes and layer 3 of the breathing apparatuses in purple and then multiple layers of pink.
Paint 2 pieces of a screen white (I used a splatter screen from the dollar store). These are the eye screens. Hot glue on the inside of the mask so the eye opening is covered.
Hot glue the breathing apparatuses on either side of the chin. Line up the corners with the bottom corner of the eye and the scored line on the cheeks.