Today I’m making Oogie Boogie’s Dice from The Nightmare Before Christmas!
I love these dice and they’re so easy to make.
Fun fact, I dressed up as Oogie Boogie last year and made these dice out of foam…so this template will also work for foam dice you can get at the dollar store. 🙂
Tape the template onto a piece of cereal box cardboard.
Score all the inside lines (ie don’t cut all the way through the cardboard).
Use scissors to cut around the outside lines.
Fold along the scored lines. It will become a cube.
Glue down the thin flaps, add tape to hold it in place.
**All of the 6 of the designs will be 2 layers each**
Glue two layers of cereal box cardboard together. Wait until it dries before continuing.
Cut around each of the designs and tape 4 of them onto the doubled up cereal box slab.
Use a craft knife to slice out the noses and eyes.
Cut all of the designs out.
As for the remaining 2 designs, tape them onto a single layer of cereal box cardboard, cut out the circles and square and then re-tape the design onto another sheet of cereal box cardboard to cut out the skull design.
Use mod podge to glue each of the pieces onto the cube.